The story of the making of the movie

I am Mehdi Tangestani, an Iranian filmmaker who has been a guest for 3 days to Dubai on an invitation from Liana Dreams Tourism Company based in Dubai, during which I have visited Expo 2020 Dubai. On the journey hearing the kind and gentle voice of Ms Safiah Al-Shehi took me away to a dream.

The dream came to reality in the making of a documentary, shot solely by a mobile phone. This is the story of the unification of the humans from different nationalities and cultures all under a colorful dome as the Eye of God, which changed my perspective towards the future.

This tabloid is a cinematic piece of art about expo 2020 Dubai which is dedicated to the people of the UAE as a tribute since my attitude changed through the very journey.

Film information

The Honeymoon in the Golden Desert

Writer and Director: Mehdi Tangestani

Producer: Liana Dreams Tourism Company

and Modjra Film

Duration: 14 minutes

Genre: Documentary

Voice-Over by Saeed M. Taghvaee

DP: Mehdi Tangestani

Colorist: Hussein Keshavarzi

Sound Design and Editing: Mehdi Tangestani

Study and Research: Zahra Kamalzadeh

Tour Tour Planner: Saeed M. Taghvaee

Music Selection: Mahmoud Piltan

English Translation: Alireza Shamsi

Arabic Translation: Irma Alali

Special Thanks to:

Safia Al Shehi

Maryam khedri

City Seasons Hotel; Dubai, UAE

Senator Restaurant & Cafe; Dubai, UAE